Kicker by SR_Team
{$CLEO .cs}
thread "SR_team"
wait 7000
chatmsg "[Kicker]: {FFFFFF}Ŕâňîđ {FF4444}SR_team{FFFFFF}. Ńďĺöčŕëüíî äë˙ {44FF44}{FFFFFF}. /sk IdPlayer IdCar" 4474111
0B34: samp register_client_command "sk" to_label @SR_team_422
wait 0
31@ == 1
else_jump @SR_team_415
31@ = 0
9@ = 0
04C4: store_coords_to 3@ 4@ 5@ from_actor 1@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 -1.0
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 10@, 11@, 12@)
Car.StorePos(2@, 6@, 7@, 8@)
050A: 0@ = distance_between_XYZ 6@ 7@ 8@ and_XYZ 10@ 11@ 12@
if and
not 0@ > 30.0
else_jump @SR_team_334
call @SR_team_941 3 6@ 7@ 8@
jump @SR_team_353
call @SR_team_1073 3 6@ 7@ 8@
call @SR_team_622 4 2@ 3@ 4@ 5@
wait 30
print "Processed" 35
9@ += 1
9@ > 9
else_jump @SR_team_202
jump @SR_team_166
0AD4: 0@ = scan_string 0@ format "%d %d" 1@ 2@
else_jump @SR_team_569
1@ = SAMP.GetActorHandleByPlayerID(1@)
2@ = SAMP.GetVehicleHandleBySAMPVehicleID(2@)
if and
056D: actor 1@ defined
056E: car 2@ defined
else_jump @SR_team_511
31@ = 1
jump @SR_team_562
chatmsg "[Kicker]: {FFFFFF}Íĺ íŕéäĺí čăđîę čëč ęŕđ" 4474111
jump @SR_team_620
chatmsg "[Kicker]: {FFFFFF}Íĺâĺđíűé ôîđěŕň ęîěŕíäű" 4474111
7@ = SAMP.GetSAMPVehicleIDByCarHandle(0@)
Car.PutAt(0@, 1@, 2@, 3@)
alloc 4@ 67
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 0 size 2 = 7@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 2 size 1 = 1
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 3 size 4 = -1.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 7 size 4 = -0.01
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 11 size 4 = 0.05
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 15 size 4 = 0.09
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 19 size 4 = -1.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 23 size 4 = 0.02
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 27 size 4 = 1@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 31 size 4 = 2@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 35 size 4 = 3@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 39 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 43 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 47 size 4 = 400.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 51 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 55 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 59 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 63 size 4 = 1000.0
5@ = RakNet.NewBitStream()
BitStream.Write(5@, 214, BS_TYPE_BYTE, 1)
BitStream.Write(5@, 4@, BS_TYPE_ARRAY, 67)
free 4@
ret 0
4@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle($PLAYER_ACTOR)
4@ = SAMP.GetPlayerStruct(4@)
4@ += 201
alloc 5@ 63
0C10: memcpy destination 5@ source 4@ size 63
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 24 size 4 = 0@
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 28 size 4 = 1@
0C0D: struct 5@ offset 32 size 4 = 2@
6@ = RakNet.NewBitStream()
BitStream.Write(6@, 219, BS_TYPE_BYTE, 1)
BitStream.Write(6@, 5@, BS_TYPE_ARRAY, 63)
RakNet.Send(6@, 1, 7, 0)
free 5@
ret 0
3@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle($PLAYER_ACTOR)
3@ = SAMP.GetPlayerStruct(3@)
3@ += 55
alloc 4@ 68
0C10: memcpy destination 4@ source 3@ size 68
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 6 size 4 = 0@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 10 size 4 = 1@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 14 size 4 = 2@
5@ = RakNet.NewBitStream()
BitStream.Write(5@, 212, BS_TYPE_BYTE, 1)
BitStream.Write(5@, 4@, BS_TYPE_ARRAY, 68)
RakNet.Send(5@, 1, 7, 0)
free 4@
ret 0
Hacked and decrypted by Mr.Ze
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