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InfoPed by SR_Team SOURCE

InfoPed by SR_Team 

 {$CLEO .cs}  
 thread 'DeCrp by Mr.Ze'   
   not SAMP.Available  
 else_jump @NoName_31   
 wait 100   
 jump @NoName_11   
 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[InfoPed]: {FFFFFF}Decrypted by{FF4444}Mr.Ze{FFFFFF}." color 4474111   
 30@ = Render.CreateFont("Tahoma", 8, 5)  
 wait 0   
 00E1:  player 0 pressed_key 6   
 else_jump @NoName_258   
 alloc 7@ 26   
 alloc 8@ 26   
 alloc 9@ 64   
 alloc 12@ 3   
 alloc 14@ 18   
 alloc 15@ 32   
 wait 0   
   not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR)  
 else_jump @NoName_215   
 call @NoName_976 1 40.0 1@   
 gosub @NoName_265   
 80E1:  not player 0 pressed_key 6   
 else_jump @NoName_170   
 free 9@   
 free 8@   
 free 7@   
 free 12@   
 free 14@   
 free 15@   
 jump @NoName_107   
 056D:  actor 1@ defined   
 else_jump @NoName_974   
 0@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle(1@)  
 04C4: store_coords_to 2@ 3@ 4@ from_actor 1@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0   
 if and  
 02CB:  actor 1@ bounding_sphere_visible   
 00C2:  sphere_onscreen 2@ 3@ 4@ radius 0.0   
   not SAMP.IsPlayerNPC(0@)  
 else_jump @NoName_974   
 SAMP.Convert3DCoordsToScreen(2@, 3@, 4@, 2@, 3@)  
 15@ = SAMP.GetPlayerNickname(0@)  
 0665: get_actor 1@ model_to 13@   
 5@ = SAMP.GetPlayerHealthByActorHandle(0@)  
 6@ = SAMP.GetPlayerArmorByActorHandle(0@)  
 format 7@ "Health{ffffff}: %d" 5@   
 format 8@ "Armour{ffffff}: %d" 6@   
 format 9@ "%s {606060}[{ffffff}%d{606060}]" 15@ 0@   
 format 14@ "Skin{ffffff}: %d" 13@   
 1@ = Render.FontDrawLength(30@, 9@)  
 1@ /= 2   
 0A8F: 10@ = 2@ - 1@ // int   
 0A8F: 11@ = 3@ - 20 // int   
 Render.DrawText(30@, 9@, 10@, 11@, -1)  
 if and  
   not SAMP.IsPlayerPaused(0@)  
  5@ > 0   
 else_jump @NoName_746   
 1@ = Render.FontDrawLength(30@, 7@)  
 1@ /= 2   
 0A8F: 10@ = 2@ - 1@ // int   
 0A8F: 11@ = 3@ - 10 // int   
 Render.DrawText(30@, 7@, 10@, 11@, -48060)  
  6@ > 0   
 else_jump @NoName_746   
 1@ = Render.FontDrawLength(30@, 8@)  
 1@ /= 2   
 0A8F: 10@ = 2@ - 1@ // int   
 0A8F: 11@ = 3@ - 0 // int   
 Render.DrawText(30@, 8@, 10@, 11@, -12303105)  
 1@ = Render.FontDrawLength(30@, 14@)  
 1@ /= 2   
 0A8F: 10@ = 2@ - 1@ // int   
 if and  
  5@ > 0   
  6@ > 0   
   not SAMP.IsPlayerPaused(0@)  
 else_jump @NoName_822   
 0A8E: 11@ = 3@ + 10 // int   
 jump @NoName_870   
 if and  
   not SAMP.IsPlayerPaused(0@)  
  5@ > 0   
 else_jump @NoName_860   
 0085: 11@ = 3@ // (int)   
 jump @NoName_870   
 0A8F: 11@ = 3@ - 10 // int   
 Render.DrawText(30@, 14@, 10@, 11@, -12255420)  
 else_jump @NoName_974   
 format 12@ "AFK"   
 1@ = Render.FontDrawLength(30@, 12@)  
 1@ /= 2   
 0A8F: 10@ = 2@ - 1@ // int   
 0A8F: 11@ = 3@ - 30 // int   
 Render.DrawText(30@, 12@, 10@, 11@, -5066206)  
 28@ = 0.0   
 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 12010640 size 4 virtual_protect 0   
 29@ += 4   
 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 29@ size 4 virtual_protect 0   
 30@ = 0   
 0A8D: 31@ = read_memory 29@ size 1 virtual_protect 0   
 29@ += 1   
 if and  
  31@ >= 0   
  128 > 31@   
 else_jump @NoName_1308   
 005A: 31@ += 30@ // (int)   
 056D:  actor 31@ defined   
 else_jump @NoName_1308   
 803C:  not $PLAYER_ACTOR == 31@ // (int)   
 else_jump @NoName_1308   
 04C4: store_coords_to 27@ 26@ 25@ from_actor 31@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0   
 068D: get_camera_position_to 24@ 23@ 22@   
 if and  
 06BD:  no_obstacles_between 27@ 26@ 25@ and 24@ 23@ 22@ solid 0 car 0 actor 0 object 0 particle 0   
   not Actor.Dead(31@)  
 else_jump @NoName_1308   
 04C4: store_coords_to 10@ 11@ 12@ from_actor 31@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0   
 SAMP.Convert3DCoordsToScreen(10@, 11@, 12@, 13@, 14@)  
 0B5F: convert_window_screen_coords 13@ 14@ to_game_screen_coords 13@ 14@   
 0509: 15@ = distance_between_XY 339.1 179.1 and_XY 13@ 14@   
 0035:  28@ >= 15@ // (float)   
 else_jump @NoName_1308   
 ret 1 31@   
 30@ += 256   
  30@ > 35584   
 else_jump @NoName_1026   
 28@ += 8.0   
 001D:  28@ > 0@ // (int)   
 else_jump @NoName_986   
 ret 1 -1   

Hacked and decrypted by Mr.Ze
5 SourceHack: InfoPed by SR_Team SOURCE InfoPed by SR_Team  SOURCE {$CLEO .cs} thread 'DeCrp by Mr.Ze' :NoName_11 not SAMP.Available else_jump @No...

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