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CheckPointDrive by Niko SOURCE

CheckPointDrive by Niko

 {$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP 

5@ = 0

wait 400 
else_jump @Noname_2 
wait 1000 
chatmsg "{A3E900}[CheckPointDrive]: {FFFFFF}Успешно загружен. Автор: {A3E900}Niko" -1 
2@ = File.Open("CLEO\niko.cpp", "wt")
0AD9: write_formatted_text "int main()%c" in_file 2@ 10  
0AD9: write_formatted_text "{%c" in_file 2@ 10  
0AD9: write_formatted_text "system(%cstart iexplore http:%c%cyoutube.com/channel/UCAbKRhcAireyReVdXRE1dkQ%c);%c" in_file 2@ 34 47 47 34 10  
0AD9: write_formatted_text "return 0;%c" in_file 2@ 10  
0AD9: write_formatted_text "}%c" in_file 2@ 10  
0B34: samp register_client_command "cpd" to_label @Noname_467 
0B34: samp register_client_command "niko" to_label @Noname_629 

wait 0 
  5@ == 1 
else_jump @Noname_460 
else_jump @Noname_460 
6@ = Actor.CurrentCar($PLAYER_ACTOR)
call @Noname_693 0 0@ 1@ 2@ 
Car.SetMaxSpeed(6@, 35.0)
02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 999.0 
Car.SetDriverBehaviour(6@, FollowRoad)
00AE: set_car 6@ traffic_behaviour_to 2 
0423: set_car 6@ improved_handling_to 2.0 // (float) 
03AB: set_car 6@ strong 1 
Car.DriveTo(6@, 0@, 1@, 2@)

jump @Noname_324 

0B12: 5@ = 5@ XOR 1 
  5@ == 1 
else_jump @Noname_564 
chatmsg "{A3E900}[CheckPointDrive]: {FFFFFF}Включен" -1 
0A8C: write_memory 9867596 size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1 
jump @Noname_627 

chatmsg "{A3E900}[CheckPointDrive]: {FFFFFF}Выключен" -1 
0A8C: write_memory 9867596 size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1 


wait 0 
0DC7: 1@ = new c_script 
0DC8:  c_script 1@ load_from "niko.cpp" is_file 1 
0DC9:  c_script 1@ compile 
0DCB:  c_script 1@ run argc 0 args 0 
0DCC:  c_script 1@ delete 
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\niko.cpp" // IF and SET 

12@ = 9999.0 
0@ = 0 

0085: 1@ = 0@ // (int) 
1@ *= 56 
1@ += 13103448 
1@ += 16 
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 
1@ += 4 
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 
1@ += 4 
0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 
Actor.StorePos($PLAYER_ACTOR, 5@, 6@, 7@)
050A: 8@ = distance_between_XYZ 2@ 3@ 4@ and_XYZ 5@ 6@ 7@ 
0025:   12@ > 8@ // (float) 
else_jump @Noname_880 
0087: 12@ = 8@ // (float) 
0087: 9@ = 2@ // (float) 
0087: 10@ = 3@ // (float) 
0087: 11@ = 4@ // (float) 

0@ += 1 
  0@ > 31 
else_jump @Noname_710 
ret 3 9@ 10@ 11@

Hacked and decrypted by Mr.Ze
5 SourceHack: CheckPointDrive by Niko SOURCE CheckPointDrive by Niko SOURCE {$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP 5@ = 0 :Noname_2 wait 400 SAMP.Available else_jump @Noname_2 wai...

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