SH-Gun by SR_Team
{$CLEO .cs} 0000: NOP wait 5000 if 0@ = SAMP.Base() else_jump @Noname_40 0A93: end_custom_thread :Noname_40 not SAMP.Available else_jump @Noname_60 wait 100 jump @Noname_40 :Noname_60 wait 0 if // Remove this if so that you can 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\Gun.cs" // Remove this check change the name else_jump @Noname_1370 // And this jump of the script 0B34: samp register_client_command "gun" to_label @Noname_343 0B34: samp register_client_command "gpth" to_label @Noname_998 chatmsg "[SH-gun]: {AAAAAA}Weapon cheat for {22FF22} {6666FF}loaded! {FF9977}Author: {FF0000}SR_team" 6750054 :Noname_230 wait 0 0470: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon if and key_down 71 key_down 17 not SAMP.ChatInputOpened not 1@ == 0 else_jump @Noname_230 0555: remove_weapon 1@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR chatmsg "[SH-gun]: Weapons {6666FF}%d {22FF22}removed." 6750054 1@ jump @Noname_230 :Noname_343 SAMP.IsCommandTyped(0@) 0C17: 1@ = strlen 0@ if and 1@ > 0 not 1@ > 46 else_jump @Noname_992 0AD4: 0@ = scan_string 0@ format "%d %d" 1@ 2@ wait 0 if 2@ > 0 else_jump @Noname_992 Model.Load(#GUN_DILDO1) Model.Load(#GUN_DILDO2) Model.Load(#GUN_VIBE1) Model.Load(#GUN_VIBE2) Model.Load(#FLOWERA) Model.Load(#GUN_CANE) Model.Load(#BRASSKNUCKLE) Model.Load(#GOLFCLUB) Model.Load(#NITESTICK) Model.Load(#KNIFECUR) Model.Load(#BAT) Model.Load(#SHOVEL) Model.Load(#POOLCUE) Model.Load(#KATANA) Model.Load(#CHNSAW) Model.Load(#GRENADE) Model.Load(#TEARGAS) Model.Load(#MOLOTOV) Model.Load(#COLT45) Model.Load(#SILENCED) Model.Load(#DESERT_EAGLE) Model.Load(#CHROMEGUN) Model.Load(#SAWNOFF) Model.Load(#SHOTGSPA) Model.Load(#MICRO_UZI) Model.Load(#MP5LNG) Model.Load(#TEC9) Model.Load(#AK47) Model.Load(#M4) Model.Load(#CUNTGUN) Model.Load(#SNIPER) Model.Load(#ROCKETLA) Model.Load(#HEATSEEK) Model.Load(#FLAME) Model.Load(#MINIGUN) Model.Load(#SATCHEL) Model.Load(#BOMB) Model.Load(#SPRAYCAN) Model.Load(#FIRE_EX) Model.Load(#CAMERA) Model.Load(#NVGOGGLES) Model.Load(#IRGOGGLES) Model.Load(#GUN_PARA) wait 200 Actor.GiveWeaponAndAmmo($PLAYER_ACTOR, 1@, 2@) // Your script literally just gives weapons, no patches, nothing wait 100 Model.Destroy(#GUN_DILDO1) Model.Destroy(#GUN_DILDO2) Model.Destroy(#GUN_VIBE1) Model.Destroy(#GUN_VIBE2) Model.Destroy(#FLOWERA) Model.Destroy(#GUN_CANE) Model.Destroy(#BRASSKNUCKLE) Model.Destroy(#GOLFCLUB) Model.Destroy(#NITESTICK) Model.Destroy(#KNIFECUR) Model.Destroy(#BAT) Model.Destroy(#SHOVEL) Model.Destroy(#POOLCUE) Model.Destroy(#KATANA) Model.Destroy(#CHNSAW) Model.Destroy(#GRENADE) Model.Destroy(#TEARGAS) Model.Destroy(#MOLOTOV) Model.Destroy(#COLT45) Model.Destroy(#SILENCED) Model.Destroy(#DESERT_EAGLE) Model.Destroy(#CHROMEGUN) Model.Destroy(#SAWNOFF) Model.Destroy(#SHOTGSPA) Model.Destroy(#MICRO_UZI) Model.Destroy(#MP5LNG) Model.Destroy(#TEC9) Model.Destroy(#AK47) Model.Destroy(#M4) Model.Destroy(#CUNTGUN) Model.Destroy(#SNIPER) Model.Destroy(#ROCKETLA) Model.Destroy(#HEATSEEK) Model.Destroy(#FLAME) Model.Destroy(#MINIGUN) Model.Destroy(#SATCHEL) Model.Destroy(#BOMB) Model.Destroy(#SPRAYCAN) Model.Destroy(#FIRE_EX) Model.Destroy(#CAMERA) Model.Destroy(#NVGOGGLES) Model.Destroy(#IRGOGGLES) Model.Destroy(#GUN_PARA) chatmsg "[SH-gun]: {FF0000}SR_team {22FF22}gave you weapons {6666FF}%d {22FF22}and {6666FF}%d {22FF22}bullets." 6750054 1@ 2@ // Yeah cool :Noname_992 wait 0 SAMP.CmdRet :Noname_998 wait 400 if 9@ == 0 else_jump @Noname_1247 9@ = 1 chatmsg "[SH-gun]: Armory patch included." 6750054 // Nah SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(3@, 21808, 1) wait 10 SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(4@, 23200, 3) wait 20 SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(5@, 77328, 2) wait 30 SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(6@, 86704, 2) wait 40 SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(7@, 80720, 2) wait 50 SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(8@, 87024, 2) wait 60 SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(21808, 195, 1) SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(23200, 12718080, 3) SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(77328, 50064, 2) SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(86704, 50064, 2) SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(80720, 50064, 2) SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(87024, 50064, 2) jump @Noname_230 :Noname_1247 wait 0 9@ = 0 chatmsg "[SH-gun]: Armory patch off." 6750054 // Nah SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(21808, 3@, 1) SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(23200, 4@, 3) SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(77328, 5@, 2) SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(86704, 6@, 2) SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(80720, 7@, 2) SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(87024, 8@, 2) jump @Noname_230 :Noname_1370 wait 0 chatmsg "Script {FF66FF}'SH-Gun'{66FF66} is renamed." 6750054 // Yeah, but now that we have the source, we can just edit it wait 3000 chatmsg "Restore original name, for next play." 6750054 // No. wait 4000 chatmsg "Game close." 6750054 // Sure wait 1500 0AA5: call 8535003 num_params 3 pop 3 0 0 0 // Yeah, this closes your game jump @Noname_1370 // Why is this jump here when you're going to close the game anyway?
Hacked and decrypted by Mr.Ze
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